Are You Competition Ready?
Competition season has finally begun and all of us at D2D could not be more excited! We've got all your needs for this season covered. We know there are so many different things that go into competing other than awesome dance moves and a pretty costume. There's hair accessories, makeup, earrings, undergarments, tights, shoes, and so much more! So, I've gathered up some of the top most important things you'll need to dance, and look, your best up on that stage.

Whether you're a seasoned competitor or new to the competition scene, there's usually things we don't remember or realize that we need. Let's start with the basics.

Depending on what kind of dance you're doing or the color of the shoe you need, it's usually a good idea, although sometimes not totally necessary, to get a new pair of shoes. This helps the dancer, or the group of dancers, look really well put together and clean on the stage.

Another thing people usually need for competition is new tights. We have tons of options for tights in store from different brands in shades of pink, tan, white, and black. We also carry fishnets and body tights.

Next up is hair accessories! During competition you will most likely need: bobby pins and/or hair pins, hair nets, bun builders, and hair ties. Most of us have plenty of hair ties and bobby pins laying around but it's always good to have extras just in case you lose them or maybe someone else on your team will forget theirs and you'll be able to help out. It's never a bad thing to be too prepared.

Sometimes a dancer needs undergarments to go under costumes. For example, you might need a plain leotard, a pair of briefs to go under a skirt, or a sports bra with clear straps. At D2D we also carry petals and smoothies for when costumes don't allow for a normal bra.

The next thing on the list is earrings and crystals. For earrings, we have crystal in 15mm and 11mm, crystal AB (with the rainbow reflection inside) in 15mm and 11mm, and we also carry quite a few different colors in 15mm. Almost every pair has the option for pierced or clip-ons. For crystals, we have lots of different sizes and colors for when you're allowed to add a little extra sparkle to your costume.
The last thing I want to talk to you guys about is the Dream Duffel! At D2D we carry four different sizes of the Dream Duffel: Carry On, Small, Recital, and Medium. We also carry lots of the Dream Duffel accessories such as: short and long garment bags with accessory pockets, 15 inch wooden hangers with pant clips, folding stools and stool covers, the attitude case with accessory box to hold makeup and other items, and the hanging cosmetic roll. The Dream Duffel makes traveling with costumes so much easier because you can put everything in it like a suitcase. Then, when it's time to compete you wheel it to the dressing room, open it up, put up the rods it comes with to create a rack, then hang your costumes up and you're good to go! Plus, we have a Dream Duffel bundle here at D2D which includes a Recital, Small or Medium Dream Duffel, four long garment bags, four wooden hangers, one folding stool and one stool cover. The amount of savings depends on the size of the Dream Duffel bag you choose. Inquire at D2D for more details.
From head to toe, bags and more, Dressed 2 Dance is here to help you look your best this competition season. We wish you all the best of luck at all your competitions this season and we hope to see you soon!
Brianni at D2D